
Posts Tagged ‘temples’

Image The Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints is probably most recognized by its beautiful temples worldwide. With currently 138 temples operatings worldwide and dozens more in construction and announced, these Fascinating building are very sacred to us and where we turn to to get away from the “worldly” things and focus on our eternal progression as sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father and uniting our families for eternity. So let me explain further why temples are important and why members are willing to sacrifice so much to go to a temple.

From http://temples.lds.org we learn that “From the days of the Old Testament, the Lord has commanded His people to build temples-sacred structures where He could teach, guide, and bless them. When Jesus was On the earth the only temple was the temple of Herod, which he was found there often

After the rejection and deaths of Jesus’s Apostles, there were no temples on the earth for many centuries. When the gospel of Jesus Christ was restored in the early 1800s, the Lord again commanded His people to build temples (see D&C 88:119; see also section 95).

In the temple we are taught, we make covenants and we are promised blessings. We receive ordinances that allow us to live in the presence of God. Families can be sealed here for all time and eternity in marriage.

Temples are the holiest place on earth where we can go to find comfort, peace, blessings and receive eternal blessing and ordinances that will only bring us closer to our Father in heaven.

I testify that I know this church is true and that the blessings of the temple are real and can change your life forever and ANYONE can receive the blessings of the temple and I invite all who are interested as well.

If you are a non member you can order a free copy of the Book of Mormon and have missionaries deliver it by visiting http://mormon.org/free-book-of-mormon

Featured Photo of San Diego Temple by Jennifer Wyeth- to see more outstanding photography by her, visit http://jenniferwyethphotography.com/

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I am truly fascinated with the Salt Lake Temple. From its ground breaking to its completion 40 years later. Every part of the exterior and interior of the temple are done with the best and greatest detail.

The Salt Lake Temple has such beautiful architecture and design, but look carefully and you can see all the magnificent and deatiled symbolism on the outside of the temple that many people miss or just don’t realize thats there. ( I myself barely found all this out 2 months ago! ) Here they are and with their meaning in symbolism:

 Angel Moroni: Represnting Moroni, the Nephite prophet, and who, as a resurrected being, came in 1823 to the boy prophet Joseph Smith and delivered to him the message of the restored gospel, in acordance with teh prediction of the ancient Seer:

” And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgement is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of water.” (Revelation 14:6-7)


 Earthstones: these stones are located at the bottom of each buttress representing earth, ” the footstool of God”. Although the earth is currently a telestial kingdom, it will transition to a terrestrial kingdom at the coming of the Millennium; and at the end of one thousand years, it will become a celestial kingdom.

 Moonstones: these stones are located above the earthstones, and runs through a complete phase throughout the entire temple. This change can represent the stages of human progression from birth to resurrection or represent the patron’s journey from darkness to light.

Sunstones: Located directly about the moonstones, a symbol of the glory of the celestial kingdom.

” These are they whose bodies are celestial, whose glory is that of the sun, even the glory of God, the highest of all, whose glory the sun of the firmament is written of as being typical.” (D&C 76: 70)

Cloudstones:  Above the sunstones are two clouds with descending rays of light  This symbolism is found in the Old Testament. Once temples were dedicated in ancient Israel, they were filled with the “cloud of the Lord.”

” And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the Lord,” (Kings 8:10)


 Starstones: Six-pointed stars represent the actual stars in the heaven. Upside-down five-pointed stars represent morning stars, compared to the “sons of God” in the scriptures. The large upright five-pointed stars may represent the governing power of the priesthood while the small upright five-pointed stars may represent the saving power of the priesthood for those who attach themselves to it.

 Big Dipper: A constellation used by travelers for thousands of years to find the North Star. symbolizing that the temple guides us back home, or where we’re heading.



Handclasp: Identified as the “right hands of fellowship” (Galations 2:9), and the Lord using handclasps to denote covenant making


All seeing-eye: Representing God being able to see all things.

Battlements:  Symbolizing a separation from the world as well as a protection of the holy ordinances practiced within its walls.

Many of this information has been derived from http://www.ldschurchtemples.com/saltlake/ and some images from http://talkingtree.org/2007/12/angel-moroni-on-top-of-salt-lake-temple/ also Salt Lake Temple picture is courtesy of Ben Earwicker, Garrison Photography

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 There has been one thing stuck on my mind all day today. And that is the the scripture I’m about to share with you. A revelation given to Joseph Smith and Olivier Cowdery in the Kirtland, Temple, the first temple in this dispensation.

I couldn’t help but think how I would feel after working so hard to build this temple – the sacrifice and time it took, the best crafstmanship, design, work and perfection we can put into creating the House of the Lord – if I was revealed this. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, even Jehovah, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords , show himself unto me and tell me “your sins are forgiven you….rejoice….I have accepted this house.” (D&C 110:5-6)

The following is that revelation in the Kirtland, Temple. Try to place yourselves there.

“The veil was taken from our minds, and the eyes of our understanding were opened. We saw the Lord standing upon the breastwork of the pulpit, before us ; and under his feet was a paved work of pure gold, in color like amber.

His eyes were as a flame of fire ; the hair of his head was white like the pure snow ; his countenance shone above the brightness of the sun ; and his voice was as the sound of the rushing of great waters, even the voice of Jehovah saying:

I am the first and the last ; I am he who liveth, I am he who was slain ; I am your advocate with the Father.” (D&C 110: 1-4)

I read that over and over again, and each time I feel the spirit so strong, and the Holy Ghost bear truth that Jesus does live, and he is the way and the light for us ” …I am the resurrection, and the life : he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live” (St. John 11:25)

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After visiting the Salt Lake Temple and Temple Square It really made me realize alot of things.

1.) The Lord blesses us when we do his work

2.) The Lord always holds to his promises and covenants he makes with his people

3.) Marriage and Family is central to Heavenly Father’s plan for us.

This last time I went though the temple with my Wife and I it was at the Salt Lake Temple, and it was a different and very  spirtual experience,more than normal. I’m not sure why but I felt the greatest love I’ve ever felt for her in the Temple, and the rest of the day was filled with such joy and happiness. I truly am happy and lucky to be married to her and to enjoy the rest of my life being the happiest man alive.

Heavenly Father’s plan is for marriage to last forever, not just for our mortal lives. Adam and Eve were married by God before there was any death in the world. They had an eternal marriage.

” Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24)

I will summarize a few things from Gospel Principles: Chapter 38: Eternal Marriage.

Many people think that marriage is only a social trend, just a legal agreement for man and woman to live together. But to me and all other Latter Day Saints it is much, much more. ” Our exaltation depends on marriage, along with other principles and ordinances, such as faith, repentance, baptism, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

Marriage is the most sacred relationsip that exists between a man and a woman. The Lord has said and given us the law of eternal marriage so we can become like Him:

” In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees;

And in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of the priesthood [meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage]; ” (D&C 131:1-3)

Both husband and wife are blessed  from eternal marriage. Our marriages will last forever, and death cannot end it. We will experience an outpour of the spirit when we remain worthy and our family relationships can also continue for eternity.

I have been blessed to have been sealed to my wife, and hope someday we all can be, If we are not, strive to get there and always be true to your vows and the Law of Chastity and always love your wife.

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I recently watched a great movie  called the  Mountain of the Lord , a feature length film about the pioneers and building up of the Salt Lake Temple. Its a great movie, and I would reccomend all to see the movie!

Now after watching this, it really got me thinking about a few things. How on earth did pioneers who walked thousands and thousands of miles , and which had nothing at all on them but their oxen and means of transportation, build such a fine and beautiul temple? The work is the finest of all the world, the craftsmanship, design, architecture, artwork  – everything.  I’ll tell you how: by the grace and power of the Lord.

A couple interesting quotes from the movie caught my attention. When you are doing the Lord’s work, you are blessed in your lives, and plus it was a commandment from the Lord to build a temple.

“And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them” 1 Nephi 3:7

Every detail of that temple, the walls, the design, down to the doorknobs (seirously, click on that picture on this post, and think to yourself how long it would take YOU to just carve out ONE doorknob!? ) , were all built only using the finest material, and finest designs. I truly believe that the Lord will bless each and everyone of us if we obey His commandments and do His work. It is an amazing thing that these people could have build such a beautiful building with arriving into the Valley with almost nothing at all.

“…If I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” Malachi 3:10

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